If you’re looking for an advertising agency, chances are you’re seeking a partner that fits well with your company or organization. Not just in terms of capabilities, experience, and size, but also how we both think about business—and creating Work That Matters.
HMC is a New England advertising agency with full-service marketing, advertising, digital, design, and media planning capabilities with in-house video production. At a time when agencies are specializing in single, hot-topic areas of marketing, we at HMC believe in bringing a fully-integrated strategic and creative approach to helping our clients grow.
We have fully embraced working remotely so that every one of us can live the lives we want—and bring even more energy, passion, and positivity to our work. Working remotely has also allowed us to tap into an even deeper pool of talented and experienced collaborators all over New England and the East Coast.
With curiosity and energy—and driven by creating Work That Matters—we amplify quiet brands, giving a distinct voice to their character and customer value. For established brands, we tease out the unexpected—attracting attention and earning renewed consideration in a crowded marketplace.
That’s who we are. Please tell us about you. »

Tom Holmes
Tom has a wealth of experience working with clients and guiding them in just about every category and industry there is. Today, he is focused on leading and creating Work That Matters, and passionately delivering on that promise with a team that inspires him.

Sara Bell
Marketing Director
Sara doesn’t say she’s in the advertising business. She’s in the people business. With over 15 years of experience building relationships with clients in tourism, hospitality, banking, and public service, she has a deep understanding of how to make great ideas come to life, how to deliver results, and how to have fun doing it.

Tom Hickey
Media Director
Tom brings a fresh perspective that goes well beyond what you’ll find with most people with the title Media Director. He understands that strategy drives tactics, not the other way around. He gets the importance of collaboration as a way to deliver better work that creates results. And, he knows the importance of reducing complexity in a media environment that continues to get more complicated by the day.

Eivind Ueland
Executive Creative Director
From Super Bowl commercials to PR campaigns, from B2B to public service, Eivind has created award-winning work and delivered results for clients across continents and decades as a writer and creative director.

Jim Amadeo
Creative Director/Art
Amadeo has been winning hearts and minds (and awards) for more than 25 years. As a creative director and art director, he has spearheaded efforts for global enterprises, local companies, new product introductions, emerging technology launches, and more. According to Amadeo, “We’re not creating campaigns, we’re solving problems.”

George Koukkos
Creative Director/Copy
As a writer, creative director, and father, George believes the key to reaching someone is empathy. This philosophy has earned him an Emmy nomination, as well as salutes from The One Show, The Boston Hatch Awards, and the ADDYs. He was also named one of the top 100 creative influencers in Boston by The Ad Club.
Our network reaches beyond our core group of HMC’ers. In order to deliver the best possible results for businesses, organizations, and brands, we activate and collaborate with partners and resources across New England and beyond. From brand strategy to media planning and buying, from marketing services to internet advertising, from specialty creative skills to project management and website development, we can tap into our network of A-level talent to deliver for our clients.